Hey friend,
In times like these I think we all feel like we’re at a battle with one another. Trying to choose a “side,” trying to figure out what is “right” and what is “wrong”. I think if we looked at Jesus and the man that he was, we wouldn’t need to question any of this. In times like these I think what we need is grace.
We all ask for it, but do we give it? We demand others to reach out and extend the hand of grace for us, but are you giving it back to them when they mess up? I know it can be hard to admit this, but when you read that, who and what popped into your head? It’s important to acknowledge this because that is the Holy Spirit convicting your heart where you lack grace.
The enemy wants us to feel like we have to be in a constant battle. We deal with past hurt used against us. They refuse forgiveness even when you’ve apologized directly for what you’ve done or said. How do you know that? When the same thing is constantly brought up. When the same person is constantly the victim in all of their relationships. When there is a problem, that person is at the center of it.
There will always be someone or a group of people that aren’t cheering you on and that are trying to tear down all of your accomplishments. One day saying this, next day saying that. It’s hard to keep up with. It makes it hard to tell who is being real. The best way to deal with that? Grace.
These battles you’re facing where it’s hard to show grace can look like gossip, can look like rumors. The battles look like enemies and accusers. And a lot of the time, it can look like your own family, close friends, or even the church. And this is why it hurts so much, it seems that this battle never is going to end. And I get why they say that grace is the greatest brave, because giving grace doesn't come easily.
Giving grace doesn't feel natural. It is taking every gut and every muscle out of you to give it. It takes courage, boldness, and a lion-heart to do this. Is it even possible to do it? It is. And Jesus proved it.
We don't get the luxury of looking like Jesus and holding on to our hurts and our hate. We don't get to say that we follow Jesus and then hoard to ourselves what He so freely gave. We don't get to condemn a world that Jesus died to save. He did not come so that we would remain the same.
He says, my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. And that could not be more true!
Grace restores broken families. Grace rebuilds shattered relationships. Grace changes mindsets. But grace doesn't just happen. Someone has to be brave enough to give it.
We are weak, we are unworthy. It can be hard to want to forgive or love anyone who has hurt you. But His grace is enough for all of you. And when you pass that grace on, it is Him being made strong inside of you.
Be blessed,
Brittany ❤️