New Year, New Me - The Dragonfly Boutique

New Year, New Me

Hi friend,

I hope you all had a great Christmas and you were surrounded by those you love! It’s crazy to think that we are finally coming to a close on this year. It has definitely been a crazy one for us all, but we made it!

This time of year, we always hear people say “New year, new me.” This is where we create new resolutions to workout or break some bad habits. I think this is something nice to do and say, but I believe that people will want to change when they are ready to change. A lot of the resolutions we set for ourselves take commitment. The downfall is that people don’t often make realistic goals or put enough thought into what they want to work on. It’s important to have someone that will hold you accountable and keep you on track.

In my mind though, why do we wait for a new year to change something about ourselves? Why when figure out its time to change our toxic traits we put off actually changing them until it’s convenient for us? Why do we wait until New Years to try to be new? I think in that moment when we see our faults, we should seek renewal in Christ. We can be renewed in him at any moment.

In Ephesians 4:23, it says, “...and be renewed in the spirit of your mind...” Our mind controls our actions and our words; that is what determines our desires, wants, and what we do. Notice in this scripture, Paul is not saying “act renewed” but he says be renewed. Being renewed in the mind is a continuous thing. We repent, we will learn tomorrow, put on the new self (Eph 4:24), and from then on continuing day-by-day the rest of our life we are being renewed.

This is the Holy Spirit continually refreshing us and as we are renewed, we are transformed. This takes diligence and effort from us though. We need to be reading and studying god’s word, hearing, obeying, and meditating on what god says. That is the tool of the Holy Spirit that renews us and conforms us into the image of Christ. And as we are transformed by God, our lives prove it.

Now you may be asking what is the spirit of our mind? This is the deepest part of who we are and what determines how we think and what we do. Our heart of hearts, who we really are. In true repentance and renewal it will lead to putting on our new selves. Our motives and desires flow from the spirit of our mind. It’s obvious of those who walk with or without Christ. The lost man walks with the futility of his mind, while the repenter walks with the spirit of his mind being renewed over and over again!

So as we reflect on this year, what do want to see differently about yourself and your life tomorrow or for the new year coming? I pray you seek renewal of your mind, not just for a few weeks or for 2021, but for a lifetime.

Happy New Year,

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