Hey friend,
I’m a few days late on the blog, but I’m ready to dive in! Praying this speaks to you.
We are given a choice when it comes to our thoughts. We can choose what to cast out and what will stay. Right now I ask you to find a better place to park your mind. What does that mean? This means, ask God for the sweeter memories of the person or season of your life.
Your thoughts have power. When we align our thoughts with God’s Word it’s a shield of protection for our spirit, soul, and body. Negative thoughts will cost you greatly in the same ways.
“Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” Psalm 139:23-24
It can be very easy for us to focus on the negative memories over the positive, but our mind feasts on what our focus is. Let’s not be quick to forget the negative and the hurt we’ve experienced all together though. Those can all be used as learning experiences to help us grow. But I am saying that we should allow ourselves to “park” our mind on the better space of that situation or that person.
Doctor’s say that toxic thoughts—such as stress, worry, fear, anger and unforgiveness—actually cause damage to the brain. Chemicals are released into the brain, causing chaos and damage. Those toxic thoughts can cause a loss of sleep or of the ability to do your job right, physical illness, and more. Now imagine how much impact negative thoughts have on our spiritual beings.
When you guard your mind and your thoughts, and keep yourself in an attitude of faith, praise, thanksgiving and truth, you come over to healing, deliverance and victory!
The Bible is clear about the power of the mind and the power of our thoughts. If you haven’t focused on taking every thought captive, guarding your heart and mind, and watching what you think and say, now is the time! Especially in the times we’re living in where it can be so easy to focus on the negative and allow it to swallow all of your joy. Take power in your thoughts!
“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14
Praise him when your thoughts begin to consume you, because your praise is a weapon to use against all ill thoughts that do not align with how we were created to be. Think, "your praise will ever be on my lips" when thoughts that are ungodly begin to creep in. We serve a big God who gives us the power to choose and helps equip us to be better each and every day!
Be blessed,
Brittany ❤️