Hi friend,
I feel like a lot of us are waiting for something. Waiting for results, waiting for healing, waiting for restorations in relationships, just waiting on something. We pray and pray, expecting a response from God and usually expecting our prayers to go our way, instead of his way.
We pray to God and expect an answer, immediately. When He does not answer, we say there is no God. This impatience explains the number of Christians, who go around, daily, seeking for miracles and fast remedies to their solution.
We forget that the Bible is filled with believers, who waited and held on, in spite of their problems, such as Job, Abraham, and so on.
"But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience." Romans 8:25
In the waiting, it can be pretty tempting. We’re tempted to think that God isn’t present or that we should try and do things on our own terms or our own way. In the waiting, it becomes difficult. The moment that we get in those difficult situations, those hard seasons, the moment we take our eyes off of jesus, that's the moment we begin to sink... that's the moment that the storm begins to overtake us and overwhelm us.
Instead of trying to handle the waiting in your own strength, instead of wondering what may happen next, or what will go wrong: just wait on him and praise him in the waiting. When you wait and trust in the Lord, the get stronger you grow and you form a renewed strength.
We need to remember that he is will us even when it feels like he’s not. There may be a little voice trying to convince you that he doesn’t care or whatever you’re waiting on isn’t going to happen... That is the devil tempting us and trying to stray us from God’s promises. Remember this: the way that you handle the big waves that come your way, the way that you handle the curveballs, the way that you handle the hard situations, determines the fruit that your tree bears.
Christianity is nothing without patience, and learning to wait, even when it seems like God has forgotten you, is an important part of the journey. In the waiting, this is him inviting you to come closer. He is inviting you into deeper intimacy with him and he wants you to press in. He just wants you to trust him. It’s hard to see it in the midst of the waiting that, but most of us have seen goodness that comes from waiting. The prayers answered and the ‘unexplainable’ that has happened when we all know it was only something God could’ve done or made happen.
So, keep waiting, praying, and keep trusting because soon you will see his promises for you unfold. Be open to accountability, conviction, and pressing through this. It will all be worth it in he end.
"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation,be constant in prayer."
Romans 12:12